
Not everyone is ready to have their child baptised or would rather wait until the child is older. An alternative is to have a Service of Thanksgiving where the family meet in church to give thanks to God for the safe arrival of a new baby.

This service is more appropriate for those, who in good conscience, do not feel that they are ready to make the very serious promises and declarations that are part of the rite of Baptism. This service can also be used when a child is adopted and welcomed into their new family.

During the service, the child is named, and blessed. Members of the family and/or friends can be appointed as supporters to share in the task of supporting and caring for the child. Each family enquiring about baptism will receive a visit from either the Vicar, Curate or another trained person to help them understand and plan the service.

This brief service usually takes place outside of the main Sunday morning service.

Please note that there is no fee for this service, but there will be a retiring collection to support the work and mission of the parish.

Get in touch

If you are thinking about having a Thanksgiving Service, please get in touch.