details below

We are Currently In Vacancy please Contact the Church Wardens detail’s below 

Belinda Hornby

Licensed Lay Minister

I became a Licensed Lay Minister in 2018. When I am not working as a Lecturer, I enjoy socialising with my family and friends, walking – especially with our dog, jogging and reading. I still aspire to pick up my clarinet or saxophone again at some point…..!

Rev Nick Procter

Assistant Priest

I was ordained in 2009 and became assistant priest at St Aidan’s and St Leonard’s from 2015. I am married to Ruth and enjoy walking our dog, playing the banjo, mandolin, and guitar ( although not all at the same time). I can be seen leading some of the worship services in the Benefice or playing in the music group.

Pastoral care and visiting

If you or anyone else you know would benefit from a visit from someone in our pastoral team, please contact

Rev Nick: [email protected].

If you can’t reach anyone from the church and need to talk to someone urgently, please contact:

The Samaritans        Call 116 123 for free

Safeguarding Officer

Len Wier

07583 759917

About my role

The United Benefice of St Aidan and St Leonard is committed to the safeguarding of children, young people and adults. We follow the House of Bishops guidance and policies. My role as the Benefice Safeguarding Officer is to provide support, advice and information on all matters concerning the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults in our two parishes. If you have any concerns or questions, please contact me.

If you have immediate concerns about the safety of someone, please contact:

The Police: 999

Lancashire County Council Children’s Services: 0300 123 6720

Lancashire County Council Adults’ Services: 0300 123 6721

Blackburn Diocesan Safeguarding Officer –  Cath Smith: 07711 485170 / [email protected]

St Aidan’s Church

Ross Kinder

Church Warden

Arthur Fish

Church Warden

Max Iddon


Anne Whittle

PCC Secretary

Elizabeth Bowman


St Leonard’s Church

Heather Thomas

Church Warden

Lester Metcalf

Church Warden

Mark Nanson


Graham Swallow
