Baptism – or Christening (two words that have the same meaning) is a very happy and momentous event in the life of any family, not least the family of the local parish and the Christian Church throughout the world. Whether they are young or old this is the Sacrament by which people are made members of the Church, which is Christ’s visible Body on earth, by the outward sign of the pouring of water. All are invited to come to Jesus Christ and share in the life of his Church.
Parents are encouraged to attend Sunday services before the baptism to help them appreciate the significance of their child’s baptism and to prepare them for the promises and declarations that they will make.
Each family or person enquiring about baptism will be given an explanatory leaflet with their application form. Families will take part in a baptism preparation event with other families and everyone will receive a visit from either the Vicar, Curate or another trained person to help them understand the baptism service and the symbolism that surrounds the sacrament of baptism. Guidance will also be given about the choice of godparents. These must be chosen with care and they, like the parents, are required to make solemn and specific promises and declaration. All godparents must be over the age of 16 and baptised.
Baptisms normally take place on a Sunday, either after the main service or during it.
Please note that there is no fee for this service, but there will be a retiring collection to support the work and mission of the parish.
Those enquiring about baptism must attend one of the church services and collect a baptism application form from the churchwardens; the form includes qualifying criteria for baptism. Once this form has been completed it is to be returned to the churchwardens at another service. The baptism visitors will then arrange a home visit to discuss baptism and the Baptism service. Following this a date can be arranged for the Baptism.

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